Originally released in 1979, this seminal record explores themes of teenage boredom and sectarian violence with an underlying insight into Northern Irish life during the peak of the tensions. Their punk rock aesthetic is authentic, with raw lyricism and harsh instrumentation. Containing the anthemic track 'Alternative Ulster', Stiff Little Fingers promote the 'grab it and change it' narrative.
1. Suspect Device - Stiff Little Fingers (2.36)
2. State of Emergency - Stiff Little Fingers (2.28)
3. Here We Are Nowhere - Stiff Little Fingers (0.59)
4. Wasted Life - Stiff Little Fingers (3.1)
5. No More of That - Stiff Little Fingers (2.04)
6. Barbed Wire Love - Stiff Little Fingers (3.32)
7. White Noise - Stiff Little Fingers (1.58)
8. Breakout - Stiff Little Fingers (3.03)
9. Law and Order - Stiff Little Fingers (3.14)
10. Rough Trade - Stiff Little Fingers (2.39)
11. Johnny Was - Stiff Little Fingers (8.1)
12. Alternative Ulster - Stiff Little Fingers (2.44)
13. Closed Groove - Stiff Little Fingers (4.21)
Year of Production: